Coronavirus heroes: determination, talent, courage and impact

The devastating impact of coronavirus on healthcare, society and the economy will take some time to disappear.

David Reyero

Many people see this crisis as a turning point that will force us to reconsider certain values and fundamental aspects of our lives.

But all this suffering is interspersed by some positive signs. One is the widespread and very moving recognition of the extraordinary work of healthcare professionals. "Heroes" whose efforts are usually undervalued in social and financial terms.

These men and women are dealing remarkably well with this pandemic, in very difficult circumstances.

Despite having insufficient resources, they are an example of determination, talent and courage and their impact on society is very positive.

These crucial factors all reflect their excellent professional attitude, humanitarianism, resilience and leadership. The perfect combination for salving thousands of lives at risk, reducing suffering and helping generate trust and protection.

Nurses against coronavirus
Health professionals, working at the hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, during the Covid-19 pandemic (Photo: Virginia Mendonça/Twenty20)

I would like to mention four important facets of their praiseworthy work, facets that will be cornerstones of future professional excellence in less extraordinary situations.

1. Determination

They work harmoniously with their key strengths and values and demonstrate great commitment every day. They suffer the ups and downs inevitable in highly stressful circumstances but remain optimistic despite the difficulties.

This boosts their energy and motivation because they fully understand how their individual efforts, no matter how basic or senior their job may be, contribute to the common good.

2. Talent

They work to high demands, with considerable technical skills and an ability to adapt, learn and look ahead. Each day of the pandemic is different, stressful, uncertain and ever-changing. Even so, they are constantly pinpointing new ways of dealing with this highly complex, vast amount of work.

The main aim for these people today is to safeguard our lives and meet the basic requirements of the people in confinement

3. Courage

They take risks and act with the sense of urgency, adaptability and determination that this situation requires. They are able to take decisions on the basis of incomplete information at times when lives are at risk. All this will be essential in the highly unpredictable situations expected to increase in coming years.

4. Impact

They channel their greatest strengths, efforts and passion into achieving robust results in the short and medium term. They understand what is at stake and each person in this complex ecosystem shows great maturity and spares no effort, and none shirk inside the system or team.

Hopefully, the qualities shown by our healthcare professionals will become commonplace in companies in the post-coronavirus world. They will be fundamental for business success and employability in these times of constant disruption and increasing competition.

If we all act together and focus on a single aim, we can deal successfully with any difficulty

Although these are the most obvious example, they are not the only heroic professionals in this crisis. There are other professions that are mentioned less but equally important for preventing a complete meltdown and maintaining a reasonable standard of living for other people. 

Other examples of workers giving their all include crop and animal farmers, haulage contractors, law enforcement authorities, factory workers, supermarket staff and cleaners. Their professional, caring attitude and sacrifices show that if we all act together and focus on a single aim, we can deal successfully with any difficulty. 

The main aim for these people today is to safeguard our lives and meet the basic requirements of the people in confinement. Their work is proving to be a great success thanks to their responsibility and generosity even at the risk of jeopardising their own health and that of their families in order to increase our wellbeing.

Many thanks! You are heroes!

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