Alberto González Pascual

Academic Assistant, Department of People Management and Organisation at Esade

2 contributions

Academic director of the Cultural Transformation Programme at Esade. PhD cum laude in Information Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid) and Political Thought (Pablo de Olavide University). He is a contributor to EL PAÍS Retina, Huffington Post, Harvard Deusto Review and Diario de Sevilla. He is an associate lecturer at Rey Juan Carlos and Villanueva universities. Alumnus of the JFK School of Government at Harvard University and of Cornell University, where he earned a certificate in the Psychology of Leadership. Member of the research cartel specialized in the notion of anguish at the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis in the Freudian Field of Madrid. His management experience includes, amongst other positions, the roles of Head of Talent and Training and Head of Transformation in the HR area at the PRISA Group.